My life

My life
“A mother's love, it knows no end. It begins with a dream, with a silent wish, and it never ever ends.”

Thursday 1 May 2014


I often sit here late at night reading or typing out this blog.  During the day its quite frantic.  I don't get a chance to sit down properly and think. My children make sure I am not left alone for more then a second and I can't hide in the toilet either as they will follow me. 

So I'm left to organize and plan and tick off things from my to do list late at night when everything is quiet and I can focus.

Problem is that when I'm finished (which is never before midnight at the least).  I find myself unable to fall asleep for quite a long time.  This is not something that's only recently come up because of my children.  I have had this issue since as far back as I can remember.  It doesn't matter how tired I am I cannot go to bed early.  I think the only time I was ever forced to go to sleep at 8.30pm was when I was pregnant and suffering from severe afternoon and night sickness.  I didn't have morning sickness. When I feel nauseous I have to lie down and shut my eyes and block it out.  I think this was more passing out then sleeping.

In my teenage and highschool years I remember reading my books or novels to way past midnight.  Sometimes I would finish a book in a couple of nights or a day and I guess I formed a habit whereby, unless I read before going to sleep it just wouldn't happen.  Even then my mind is racing and I'm thinking of 100 things I need to do, want to do and have to do.  I've tried counting sheep, I always have a cup of tea every night either a chamomile or mixture of something that hopefully does the trick.  But its not always successful!

The tv is a nuisance for me.  Z loves falling asleep to the sound of the tv.  I dislike it flickering, dislike people talking on there. Its just noise for me!   But it works for him so he has to either wear earphones or go in the lounge room.  If he starts to snore then there is no sleep for me.  I like to be in a dark quiet room.  No lighting and no movement.  Finally when I do go to sleep I am woken by one of my children.  One wants to cuddle up with us in bed as he's had a bad dream and the other wants to be fed.

At least I could sometimes sleep in on the weekend.   Yes could. Past tense.  There is no sleeping in with my kids ever. Those days are gone.

So how do I remedy my problem.  I need to try and go to bed at least by 10.  Read for about half an hour while drinking my tea and then lights out.  You need to train your body into a routine.  I have done this before and it has worked.  I think sometimes I just want to squeeze everything I can in my day so I don't miss a thing when really the most important thing is for me to sleep well so I can function the next day.

There are some rules to follow for a good nights sleep which is recommended by health professionals. I have tried all of these below and have had some success with most. Here are just a few:

No food consumption at least 3 hours before sleep time.

No Electrical devices such as phones, tvs or radio.  Even when they are off their frequencies can keep you awake.  And don't watch tv for at least an hour before bed. 

No coffee after midday.  Too much caffeine can keep you wired and wide awake.

No caffeinated soft drinks also after midday.  For the same reasons as the coffee.

Try to exercise at least 3 to 4 hours before but not right before bed otherwise you will be pumped to stay awake.  Exercising before bedtime only encourages you to feel less sleepy.

Drink a herbal tea or warm milk mixture to help you relax.


Read a light novel or magazine.

Take a few deep breaths in and out and clear your mind.

Wear an eyemask if needed to get complete darkness or keep your room dark.

Make sure you are in comfortable sleepwear.  Something that will not overheat you but keeps you snug.

Change your bedsheets at least once a week.  A nice clean bed will give you incentive to jump in and go to sleep.

Vacuum your bed, the floor and curtains.  Get rid of as many bed bugs and dust mites as you can.

When washing your sheets dry out in sunlight to get rid of dust mites as well.

If none of this works see a a doctor or health professional that may prescribe sleeping pills, but I would use this as a last resort.  There are some vitamin supplements you can take which might be safer. St John's Wort is a good one and Chamomile extract.  I have tried them and they have worked.  I'm not a fan of popping pills constantly.

Where there is a will there is a way.  If you know of any other remedies please share. Who knows we may all eventually get a good night's sleep!

Signing off with this today:  Hopefully one day we will remember the days we had sleep!

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